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frequency band Definition

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Words Related to frequency band!

band, television set, television receiver, television transmitter, television channel, broadband, communication system, radio receiver, wireless, telephone system, color television, signature tune, news program, station break, television, satellite receiver, rebroadcaster, audio system, telecommunication, digital subscriber line, television station, stereo system, radiocommunication, television program, backhaul, telephone line, telephone receiver, bandwidth, very high frequency, carrier wave, wideband, electronic device, local area network, electrical device, telephone wire, telecom, radioteletype, fiber optic cable, telco, network, broadcast, narrowband, information measure, wide area network, radiophotograph, optical fibre, mass medium, modem, parametric amplifier, dsl, dish antenna, public address system, radio, system clock, digital communication, telephony, computer display, thermionic valve, crystal set, voip, adsl, tape player, antenna, catv, cable, pa system, broadcast medium, pulse modulation, cablet, telerecording, revoice, music centre, triple play, radiotelephonic, chronopher, telephone company, data converter, computer peripheral, electronic organ, internet, wlan, expansion slot, directional antenna, telephone box, cellular telephone, distribution channel, telephone kiosk, marconigram, phone company, telephone booth, uhf, patchboard, cable television, superheterodyne receiver, radiotelephone, coaxial cable, electric circuit, cartridge clip, phoneidoscope, personal digital assistant,

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