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telephone kiosk Definition

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Words Related to telephone kiosk!

phone booth, call box, telephone booth, telephone box, telephone book, cardphone, telephone system, business district, reception desk, ticket booth, telegraph post, service area, dial telephone, telephone operator, place of business, rest area, telephone exchange, ring up, telephone line, telephone, airport terminal, coin slot, telephone conversation, street corner, desk clerk, telephone jack, phone, theater ticket, telephone pole, taxi stand, cash desk, outstreet, communication system, travel agency, train ticket, bus depot, mercantile establishment, public toilet, street sign, assembly hall, ring off, side chair, fraternity house, main office, registry office, hallage, mass medium, basketball court, central business district, appointment book, microphone boom, pay phone, health spa, jail cell, control tower, toll call, coffeeroom, football stadium, name and address, business activity, dispark, buy food, payphone, patchboard, lombard street, city district, telephone receiver, do work, baseball diamond, harley street, ice machine, contubernal, interposit, pay cash, bucket shop, intercommunication system, emergency exit, underground railway, water fountain, wardmote, topographic point, night table, rebroadcaster, drive around, pedestrian traffic, television set, countinghouse, luggage carrier, cameralistics, bureau de change, commercial activity, electric socket, prison cell, personal information, piccage, head shop, ticket collector, transportation system, sentry box, squad room,

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