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system clock Definition

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Words Related to system clock!

big hand, clock, analog computer, electronic device, syntonize, radio receiver, electrical device, minute hand, computer display, logic element, digital display, time signal, horologer, atomic clock, hour hand, audio system, balance wheel, digital voltmeter, digital computer, semiconductor device, micronometer, computer memory, telephone system, timer, memory device, hybrid computer, television set, timepiece, crystal set, electronics, horologiography, water clock, personal digital assistant, pendulum clock, stopwatch, von neumann machine, auxiliary storage, longcase clock, computer circuit, telethermometer, visual display unit, synchroscope, lcd, television transmitter, digital watch, thermionic valve, programmable, mechanical device, characteristic curve, microprocessor, chronopher, stereo system, dialist, earom, rebroadcaster, autochronograph, timekeeping, semiconductor, communication system, electric current, computer store, electric lamp, electrophone, electric circuit, wristwatch, voltammeter, parametric amplifier, analog, electrical circuit, television receiver, expansion slot, sphygmophone, electric eye, transistor, microcontroller, telephone receiver, tape player, oscillator, sphygmographic, oscillogram, computer, telautograph, do work, electronic organ, device, digital communication, magnetograph, circuitry, data input device, induction coil, electric potential, electron tube, hygrograph, carrier wave, machmeter, transmitter, source of illumination, starter motor, station break, color television,

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