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ephemeris time Definition

ephemeris time
noun(e-phem-er-is time)
(astronomy) a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; terrestrial time is mean solar time corrected for the irregularities of the Earth's motions
Synonyms: tdt, terrestrial dynamical time, terrestrial time, tt,

Words Related to ephemeris time!

tdt, tt, terrestrial dynamical time, terrestrial time, mean solar day, sidereal time, absolute space, sidereal day, apparent magnitude, solar day, absolute magnitude, civil time, sidereal year, universal time, exponential distribution, gravitational constant, leap second, rydberg constant, factor of proportionality, noematachograph, periodic function, periodoscope, cosmic time, independent variable, horologiography, backstaff, standard candle, binary system, volvelle, critical point, anemography, metric space, gas constant, gravitational field, random variable, horometry, joint probability, relativistic mass, astrometeorology, arithmetic mean, heliometer, macrometer, harmonic mean, hubble law, gravity meter, antichronism, system of measurement, cartesian product, atomic mass, magnetograph, fundamental quantity, mass defect, astronomical year, terrestrial telescope, evection, window of opportunity, isocryme, geometric mean, time signal, moment of inertia, rheobase, equidiurnal, launch window, larmor precession, lapse rate, simple harmonic motion, tropical year, astrometer, topological group, temperature scale, lunicurrent, parabolism, atomic weight, isohel, physical phenomenon, absolute temperature, mesolabe, almucantar, time bill, irrevoluble, pyrheliometer, euclidean space, rheochord, curtation, in proportion to, astronomical, rest mass, central limit theorem, equitemporaneous, gravitational force, pulse modulation, pythiad, internal energy, time of departure, intermean, chronopher, timeling, isochasm, solar calendar, superposition principle,

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