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telephone exchange Definition

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Words Related to telephone exchange!

exchange, central, telephone operator, telephone system, patchboard, telephone line, communication system, switchboard, call box, telephone box, intercommunication system, telephone booth, telephone, electronic communication, telephone wire, telephone kiosk, digital communication, electrical device, telephone jack, cardphone, dial telephone, telephone book, syntonize, telegraph post, electrical circuit, analog computer, internuncial, telephone receiver, bureau de change, telautograph, starter motor, telecommunication, electric circuit, electrophone, telephonist, crystal set, pbx, sewer system, induction coil, electrical contact, radioteletype, telephony, line function, reception desk, time signal, chemical plant, rebroadcaster, toll call, radio receiver, control tower, ring up, phone, telpher, electrical, local area network, telotype, chronopher, communication, synchroscope, sewage system, mechanical device, transportation system, mass medium, telephone pole, electric current, audio system, reexchange, telpherage, digital subscriber line, series circuit, telephone cord, mutual induction, mail train, ring off, trunk call, gas system, parallel circuit, control key, place of business, hybrid computer, public address system, gas main, landline, pantelegraph, electrepeter, inductometer, pulse modulation, switch, signalist, pa system, topological group, airport terminal, digital computer, database management system, tasimeter, business activity, land line, knife switch, thermionic valve, electrical system,

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