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technostructure Definition

the network of professionally skilled managers (such as scientists, engineers, and administrators) that tends to control the economy both within and beyond individual corporate groups

Words Related to technostructure!

structurist, structure, terotechnology, tectology, compagination, encephalology, biostatics, substruction, industrial engineer, histonomy, chemical plant, homotype, bundobust, commercial enterprise, underbuilding, atechnic, professional organization, promorphology, computer architecture, horologiography, constructure, edificial, sciagraph, metempirics, engineer, cell theory, superstruction, database management system, build upon, investment trust, information science, biotaxy, backroom boy, organography, original cost, professionalist, philanthropinism, ectogenesis, sciagraphy, line function, chorology, adaptive radiation, body of work, astructive, joint stock company, crystallogeny, light industry, dianoialogy, de facto corporation, institutive, cost benefit analysis, rocket engineer, business activity, horography, metaknowledge, mass medium, topological group, stoichiology, factor of production, therblig, diagraphics, total quality management, cephalization, tagmeme, information theory, environmental science, general knowledge, designment, cytogeny, knowledge domain, trestlework, management style, manual labor, opificer, general semantics, stock company, extruct, technical, logic diagram, drainage system, chemurgy, technician, stratography, heterotaxis, paragenic, health care provider, pestalozzianism, business firm, homoeomerous, communication system, control tower, chorograph, pedality, gas system, administrative unit, columniation, computer scientist, sewer system, company man, periodic law,

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