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given to sudden, unexplained changes in mood or behavior
impulsive, whimsical
A capricious boss can lead to frustrated employees.
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3 Words
Words from the book Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Posted: 5.26.22 by Jamie
7 Words
From her book, ‘you think it I’ll say it’
Posted: 6.15.19 by Jamie
Instructions on how to delete the git history from a project and then upload without the history.
Posted: 3.26.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
Remove a file from git but not the local machine.
Posted: 3.26.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
Save the current version of git for future reference in a new branch, revert to an older git copy. Also information on creating and checking out a branch, merging branches, and handling a merge conflict.
Posted: 3.13.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
Build a password strength meter based on zxcvbn password checker.
Posted: 3.11.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
I recently added a contact form to my Power Todos app, these are my notes on how I achieved setup this form using Google's ReCaptcha and the react-google-recaptcha package.
Posted: 3.10.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
getDerivedStateFromProps is a static method, which means it does not have access to the 'this' keyword, so how then do you update the state?
Posted: 3.8.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
When interviewing for a react javascript job, these are some questions other programmers have encountered in job interviews. Side effects, functional programming, component lifecycles, state, props, inheritance, composition.
Posted: 3.8.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
Commands for using postgres on heroku's server. See source link for all the commands you can run for postgres on heroku.
Posted: 3.6.19 by Jamie in Programming - Hosting
Server robots.txt file, certbot verifcation file, or other plain html or other pages using this React Router trick...
Posted: 3.1.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
Lamda functions served up using Amazon's AWS server using the lambda functions module allow you to host simple functions and pay only when those functions are called. Uses npm install serverless
Posted: 2.24.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
Without using the redux-persist plugin we can easily use localStorage to persist the redux store, or even just parts of the store.
Posted: 2.24.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
Learn about Redis installation, commands for storing and getting data types: strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets.
Posted: 2.21.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
When you run more than one container in Docker you use the Docker Compose tool to build and connect all the different containers. In this case we will use postgres and explain how to extend the postgres Dockerfile image. Add seed folder to have mock data already included in the database.
Posted: 2.20.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
Basic Dockerfile setup and Docker commands. Docker Compose. Use proper docker commands to create containers from Image files or use Docker Compose to create containers from docker-compose.yml file.
Posted: 2.20.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
When joining a new project or a new team you will need to analyze new codebases and familiarize yourself with the project. This is a typical workflow for getting started on a new project in javascript or node.
Posted: 2.18.19 by Jamie in Programming - General
We use a package called dotenv to protect variables like username, passwords and api keys on the backend in express, and also on the frontend with React to save things that might be repeated like the website URL in api calls.
Posted: 2.17.19 by Jamie in Programming - JS
A logger middleware for node/express will save data about every api request and log it so that developers can see exactly what happened with the request.
Posted: 2.17.19 by Jamie in Programming - JS
When a user logs out we want to clear all state. But state may be present in different reducers, so how do we clear all of the different state properties?
Posted: 2.11.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
" Sweet" - Jamie Miller
Posted 2.9.19 by Jamie in Quick Thoughts
1 Words
Posted: 2.8.19 by Jamie
By running npm create-react-app a ton of stuff happens behind the scenes.
Posted: 2.6.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
Understanding how Javascript stores variable values in memory will help you produce code that uses less memory. In React, we can use this memory to understand when we should create stored functions, rather than arrow functions that need to be recreated with each render.
Posted: 2.6.19 by Jamie in Programming - React
Thunk vs Saga vs Observable/RxJs vs Promise Middleware.
Posted: 2.2.19 by Jamie in Programming - React