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Quick Thoughts Quotes

2 FollowersFollow
" Sweet" - Jamie Miller
Posted: 2.9.19 by Jamie
"After frustration: progress." - Jamie Miller
Posted: 12.25.18 by Jamie
"Your thoughts and ideas are worthy. Write them down. Edit them. Pursue them with the vigor they deserve." - Jamie Miller
Posted: 12.23.18 by Jamie
"You are living the life you longed for. If you do not like it, long for something else." - Jamie Miller
Posted: 12.23.18 by Jamie
"Don't be so quick to defend your creations. Growth and understanding only comes to an open mind." - Jamie Miller
Posted: 12.23.18 by Jamie
"Allow yourself to change and adjust thoughts you might have had previously." - Jamie Miller
Posted: 12.23.18 by Jamie