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variableness Definition

able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes
fickle, inconstant
characterized by variations

Words Related to variableness!

variance, variable star, dependent variable, independent variable, random variable, lapse rate, changefulness, variedness, changeableness, volubile, central limit theorem, mutability, indetermination, invariableness, variation, alterability, apparent magnitude, factor of proportionality, physical property, immeasurability, immutation, absolute magnitude, rheochord, immute, overchange, gerful, parameter, joint probability, genetic drift, adfected, partial derivative, exponential equation, spatial property, gas constant, inconstancy, logarithmic function, tyndall effect, intervary, simple harmonic motion, backstaff, unconstant, magnetograph, grammatical relation, dygogram, thermoscope, conditional probability, periodic function, standard candle, reynolds number, unchangingness, anomaloscope, versicolour, anemo, teinoscope, turningness, fickleness, absolute space, coefficient of friction, ephemeris time, heterogeneity, rydberg constant, covariation, cycloscope, physical phenomenon, spectral type, unboundably, torvity, optical phenomenon, sidereal time, invariability, exponential function, controllableness, gravitational constant, larmor precession, fluctuation, aeroscopy, anemoscope, hygroscope, scalar field, vector field, coriolis force, predictor variable, immeasurableness, hydrodynamometer, exposure meter, leucoscope, monte carlo method, hubble law, moonish, absolute temperature, allomerism, homoeomerous, atmospheric condition, moment of inertia, gravitational field, weather eye, macroclimate, constancy, turbulent flow, dynactinometer,

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