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quantitatively Definition

of, relating to, or expressible in terms of quantity
of, relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount
based on quantity; specifically, of classical verse : based on temporal quantity or duration of sounds

Words Related to quantitatively!

qualitatively, quantify, numerically, meaningfully, objectively, empirically, accurately, analytically, experimentally, scientifically, probabilistically, methodologically, subjectively, statistically, reproducibly, spectroscopically, rationally, functionally, mechanistically, nonzero, differentially, prospectively, monotonically, macroscopically, computationally, molecularly, histologically, inductively, morphologically, algebraically, endogenously, heterogeneously, constitutively, arithmetically, hierarchically, gravimetric analysis, equivalently, volumetric analysis, minutely, barognosis, chemical analysis, monte carlo method, logometric, f distribution, random variable, quantitative analysis, haemoscope, cost benefit analysis, independent variable, hygrostatics, integral calculus, scientific method, systematically, gram equivalent, dependent variable, analysis of variance, commeasurable, mathematically, metely, harmonic analysis, correlation coefficient, haematachometer, microwave spectroscopy, qualitative analysis, correlational analysis, joint probability, face validity, flame test, areometry, spatially, docimastic, mass spectrum, central limit theorem, chemical equation, rigorously, definite quantity, suppute, rydberg constant, logarithmic function, dynactinometer, supputate, gravity meter, historical method, paper chromatography, conceptually, absolute space, outmeasure, partial derivative, graphically, ex hypothesi, hydrodynamometer, theoretically, unempirically, biochemically, bench mark, conditional probability, general semantics, electron spin resonance, exponential function, vicenary,

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