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empirically Definition

in an empirical manner : with a basis in or reliance on information obtained through observation, experiment, or experience

Words Related to empirically!

by trial and error, through empirical observation, concretely, scientifically, methodologically, objectively, quantitatively, analytically, experimentally, conclusively, subjectively, unscientifically, rationally, factually, logically, probabilistically, statistically, rigorously, conceptually, causally, scientific method, mechanistically, deductively, ontologically, historical method, ex hypothesi, inductively, scripturally, definitively, dialectically, phylogenetically, incontrovertibly, axiomatically, doctrinally, pedagogically, prospectively, sociologically, dogmatically, unempirically, discursively, dispassionately, asymptotically, materialistically, infallibly, biologically, discontinuously, computationally, spectroscopically, porime, logical system, f distribution, scientific theory, monte carlo method, deducement, ipsedixitism, theoretically, epichirema, petitio principii, qualitatively, petitionarily, propositional logic, misconclusion, logical relation, scientific knowledge, refragable, empirical research, gestalt psychology, mathematical logic, mathematically, ontological argument, economic theory, cost benefit analysis, propositional calculus, philosophically, symbolic logic, predicate calculus, analysis of variance, apodictically, emergent evolution, mental object, acatalepsy, concludency, analytic philosophy, random variable, misconjecture, philosophical doctrine, misinfer, logical positivist, consectary, derivement, unscience, ipse dixit, hypobole, derivably, formal logic, docimology, redargue, theory of evolution, subjectist, conditional probability,

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