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electrotonic Definition

of, induced by, relating to, or constituting electrotonus
of, relating to, or being the spread of electrical activity through living tissue or cells in the absence of repeated action potentials

Words Related to electrotonic!

action potential, wallerian degeneration, electrical phenomenon, nerve fibre, excitatory, electric potential, protopathic, electric current, synaptic, potential difference, electrode potential, metallic bond, postsynaptic, aesthesodic, interneural, neuroid, bundle of his, motor nerve, neurofibril, nerve impulse, electric charge, magnetic circuit, nerve fiber, neural, purkinje fiber, internuncial, intercellular, myodynamics, junction transistor, presynaptic, kerr effect, electric circuit, pyramidal tract, refractory period, phrenomagnetism, nervimotion, neuronal, photovoltaic effect, interganglionic, electrical resistance, magnetomotive force, piezoelectric effect, reflex arc, electrical circuit, myeloidin, neuromuscular, fiber bundle, nociceptive, neurite, accessory nerve, exodic, magnetic flux density, mesomyodous, abducens nerve, axonal, curie temperature, platymeter, involuntary muscle, zeeman effect, catelectrode, nervous tissue, flabellinerved, indigitation, pinch effect, intracellular, curie point, peltier effect, electric resistance, musculophrenic, interatomic, cardiac muscle, sensory, voluntary muscle, unmyelinated, quantum number, medullary sheath, magnetic flux, myelinated, voltaic cell, electrophysiological, mutual inductance, neurad, abducens muscle, idiomuscular, dielectric, seebeck effect, inducteous, somatosensory, physiological, contractile, musculin, electrical energy, laxator, vibratiuncle, bioelectric, physical property, thermosystaltic, josephson junction, thermionic valve, preganglionic,

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