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decoherence Definition

Loss of quantum coherence (phase relation between the quantum states of particles) in a physical system as it interacts with its environment

Words Related to decoherence!

break-up, breakdown, breakup, decay, disaggregation, disintegration, quantum, quantum number, qubit, quantum mechanical, pauli exclusion principle, quantum electrodynamics, superposition, dephasing, gauge boson, strong interaction, indeterminacy principle, color force, strong force, weak force, electric charge, fundamental interaction, photon, electromagnetic interaction, exciton, heisenberg uncertainty principle, phonon, scientific theory, dynamical system, fundamental particle, weak interaction, spacetime, theory of relativity, compton effect, atomic theory, gyromagnetic ratio, quasiparticle, microwave spectroscopy, electron, nonlinear, peltier effect, delta ray, cosmic background radiation, wave theory, electrodynamics, gravitational force, aeolotropic, entropy, reluctivity, gravitational constant, hyperfine structure, quantum theory, perturbation, eigenstate, radiative, relativity theory, quantum chromodynamics, muonium, oscillation, excitation, physical phenomenon, hyperfine, optical phenomenon, zeeman effect, lepton number, bremsstrahlung, spinor, gravitino, magnetic monopole, quantize, fermion, lorentz force, mean free path, lambda particle, electron spin resonance, tyndall effect, dipole moment, aeolotropy, electromagnetism, soliton, baryon number, up quark, thermodynamics, negative charge, nonlinearity, antineutron, separation energy, nuclear reaction, larmor precession, steady state theory, chromodynamics, relativity, photofission, down quark, photonuclear, adiabatic, bosonic, kerr effect, subatomic particle, entanglement,

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