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collimate Definition

to make parallel

Words Related to collimate!

parallel, align, optical device, nicol prism, schmidt telescope, diffract, wollaston prism, anaclastics, maksutov telescope, refract, achromatic lens, magnetic lens, heat ray, double refraction, light microscope, perspicil, optical instrument, holophote, laser beam, absorption band, actinic radiation, optical phenomenon, compton effect, angle of refraction, compound microscope, telespectroscope, scintillation counter, electron gun, delta ray, oblique angle, particle beam, opsiometer, tyndall effect, semilenticular, holophotal, spherical aberration, heteroptics, chromatoscope, optigraph, solar telescope, emicant, effulge, field of view, catopter, optography, diacaustic, scioptics, newtonian telescope, optical telescope, polarize, chromatic aberration, megalethoscope, semilens, optical rotation, total internal reflection, parhelic circle, dioptometer, diffuse, asteriated, diradiation, calorescence, embeam, rutilate, simple microscope, angle of reflection, luminous energy, fresnel lens, terrestrial telescope, gamma ray, polemoscope, infrared radiation, zeeman effect, absorption spectrum, stauroscope, galilean telescope, thermionic valve, spherical angle, dipleidoscope, solid angle, astronomical telescope, kerr effect, electromagnetic wave, zograscope, radio interferometer, dipole moment, infrared lamp, lucimeter, synchrotron radiation, altiscope, irradiate, microwave spectroscopy, louchettes, gyroidal, brachydiagonal, beamful, selenium cell, anacamptics, reflex camera, dish antenna, josephson junction,

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