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alexis carrel Definition

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rudolf virchow, madame curie, fritz haber, irving langmuir, karl landsteiner, max perutz, francois mauriac, konrad lorenz, glenn t. seaborg, jacques monod, leeuwenhoek, norbert wiener, henri becquerel, albert schweitzer, vesalius, andreas vesalius, anatomist, nobelist, paracelsus, leo esaki, karl menninger, franz werfel, roald hoffmann, neuroendocrinology, henri bergson, howard florey, gerhard herzberg, francois rabelais, lise meitner, r. buckminster fuller, antoine lavoisier, wolfgang pauli, dorothy hodgkin, hideyo noguchi, jonas salk, frederic auguste bartholdi, satyendra nath bose, kurt godel, hermann hesse, luigi galvani, ethologist, andre gide, biochemist, lavoisier, andre malraux, karl jaspers, dobzhansky, carl friedrich gauss, artur rubinstein, otorhinolaryngology, harold kroto, elias canetti, laennec, tinbergen, denis diderot, alessandro manzoni, charcot, philosopher, linus pauling, jean piaget, john bardeen, georges cuvier, maximin, geneticist, stefan zweig, simone weil, louis pasteur, heinrich boll, eugene wigner, vilfredo pareto, hans bethe, zangwill, bacteriologist, van doren, pierre curie, jean giraudoux, robert bunsen, georges clemenceau, wassily leontief, genevan, erwin schrodinger, quesnay, simone de beauvoir, biotechnologist, theologist, johann gutenberg, albert sabin, meyerhof, niels bohr, nouveau roman, katharine houghton hepburn, immunologist, knut hamsun, gunter grass, fred hoyle, louis agassiz, francesco petrarca, ramon y cajal, anton van leeuwenhoek, david riesman,

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