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irving langmuir Definition

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glenn t. seaborg, eugene wigner, leo esaki, satyendra nath bose, wolfgang pauli, george gamow, john bardeen, norbert wiener, lise meitner, max perutz, raman effect, henri becquerel, hans bethe, carl friedrich gauss, r. buckminster fuller, dorothy hodgkin, fred hoyle, karl landsteiner, albert michelson, gerhard herzberg, heinrich hertz, nobelist, meyerhof, alexis carrel, niels bohr, harold urey, harold kroto, kurt godel, tinbergen, antoine lavoisier, roald hoffmann, konrad lorenz, richard feynman, louis agassiz, wigner, anders celsius, karl menninger, siegbahn, ottmar mergenthaler, linus pauling, fritz haber, robert bunsen, francis galton, schleiermacher, denise levertov, primatology, quantum chromodynamics, jacques monod, robert hooke, gottfried wilhelm leibniz, wassily leontief, madame curie, talcott parsons, zworykin, franz werfel, penzias, emanuel swedenborg, photochemistry, bardeen, erwin schrodinger, hermann hesse, physicist, benoit mandelbrot, edmond halley, jonas salk, rontgen, hermann von helmholtz, percival lowell, wilhelm reich, tycho brahe, feynman, leeuwenhoek, ashley montagu, leo szilard, francois mauriac, elihu thomson, wanda landowska, gregor mendel, hildegard von bingen, buckminster fuller, dobzhansky, martin buber, joliot, crystallographer, sarton, paleoclimatology, hans arp, dirichlet, desiderius erasmus, harlow shapley, howard florey, zwinger, blackbody radiation, indologist, albert sabin, henri bergson, vladimir ilyich ulyanov, francesco petrarca, hideyo noguchi, exobiology,

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