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jean piaget Definition

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karl jaspers, friedrich froebel, kurt godel, carl friedrich gauss, emile durkheim, abraham maslow, edmund husserl, rene descartes, karl menninger, georges cuvier, pierre teilhard de chardin, developmental psychology, ethologist, benoit mandelbrot, francis galton, dirichlet, erwin schrodinger, konrad lorenz, denis diderot, talcott parsons, wilhelm reich, structuralism, lombroso, norbert wiener, leonhard euler, paracelsus, philosopher, gottfried wilhelm leibniz, sir francis galton, psychohistory, wolfgang pauli, martin buber, behaviorism, martin heidegger, durkheim, vilfredo pareto, pedagogue, emanuel swedenborg, jan tinbergen, francois rabelais, eysenck, henri bergson, niels bohr, ashley montagu, richard feynman, ivan pavlov, philologist, lise meitner, maria montessori, auguste comte, alfred binet, anatomist, sigmund freud, blaise pascal, andreas vesalius, chronobiology, wundt, primatology, fred hoyle, psycholinguistics, quesnay, teilhard de chardin, moses maimonides, hannah arendt, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, husserl, antoine lavoisier, mathematician, harlow shapley, theophrastus, grotius, carl jung, jacques derrida, louis agassiz, sociobiology, gregor mendel, sociolinguistics, anthroposophy, francois mauriac, rudolf virchow, eugene wigner, nicolaus copernicus, gerontological, r. buckminster fuller, herbert marcuse, psychophysiology, bernhard riemann, emmy noether, montessori method, laozi, metaphysician, logician, tinbergen, relativity theory, theologist, lamarck, jacques monod, anaxagoras, satyendra nath bose, psychologists,

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