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organic chemistry Definition

organic chemistry
noun(organic chemistry)
a branch of chemistry that is concerned with carbon and especially carbon compounds which are found in living things

Words Related to organic chemistry!

physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, molecular genetics, biophysics, biology, immunology, chemistry, experimental psychology, cognitive science, pharmacognosy, electrochemistry, neurobiology, parasitology, neuropharmacology, zoology, botany, chemical engineering, applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, physical geography, scientific discipline, zoochemistry, biologie, child psychology, nuclear physics, islamic law, pneumology, plasma physics, iatrochemistry, enzymology, actinochemistry, biomathematics, field of study, molecular biology, analytical chemistry, mycology, nuclear magnetic resonance, aerospace engineering, clinical neurology, hydraulic engineering, allergology, anaesthesia, pharmaceutics, indology, enzymologist, pediatric medicine, abnormal psychology, petroleum geology, biomedical science, iatrochemist, angiology, magnetochemistry, comparative psychology, medical science, clinical psychology, theriogenology, economic geology, phytochemistry, psychological medicine, catalysis, applied math, haematology, moral philosophy, harold kroto, radiobiology, zymology, underwater archaeology, postdoctoral, postdoc, physiology, philology, diethylamide, anthropobiology, dphil, macromolecule, iatromathematical, moral theology, biomimetics, numerical analysis, astronomie, mechanical engineering, rhinology, dissertation, biometeorology, cenogenetic, metathesis, meteoritics, cosmochemistry, laryngology, sinology, roald hoffmann, mesology, functional genomics, hydrides, syntheses, intercomparison, characterisation,

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