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lech walesa Definition

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Words Related to lech walesa!

walesa, vaclav havel, mikhail gorbachev, gorbachev, sakharov, eugene v. debs, andrzej wajda, slobodan milosevic, boris yeltsin, andrei sakharov, bill clinton, paul von hindenburg, communism, mikhail sergeyevich gorbachev, gunter grass, willy brandt, john f. kennedy, marie tussaud, karol wojtyla, pope, communists, boris pasternak, lenin, kaczynski, milton friedman, czechoslovakia, giuseppe mazzini, kenneth kaunda, solzhenitsyn, kurt waldheim, vladimir lenin, brezhnev, yeltsin, george meany, benito mussolini, chaim weizmann, bukharin, joseph stalin, vladimir ilyich lenin, leonid brezhnev, norbert wiener, gamal abdel nasser, pontiff, juan domingo peron, anwar sadat, jimmy hoffa, nikita khrushchev, ratzinger, konrad adenauer, czechoslovak, ossietzky, andropov, mario vargas llosa, daniel ortega, dietrich bonhoeffer, nicolaus copernicus, nelson rolihlahla mandela, fidel castro ruz, elizabeth cady stanton, frederic auguste bartholdi, laureate, andrei gromyko, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, kreisky, arthur schlesinger, trygve lie, liberator, mother theresa, dictator, george h.w. bush, gary kasparov, franklin roosevelt, soviet kgb, canonise, beatified, le duc tho, lwow, bobby fischer, pius xii, watergate scandal, dubcek, dag hammarskjold, trade unionist, wolfgang pauli, warren gamaliel harding, vaslav nijinsky, che guevara, ceausescu, mao tsetung, karl marx, reinhold niebuhr, eugenio pacelli, ignace jan paderewski, soekarno, alexis carrel, methodius, lucretia mott, richard milhous nixon, artur rubinstein, nikola tesla,

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