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gray code Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for gray code, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

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Words Related to gray code!

code, operation code, binary, object code, logic gate, binary system, significant digit, dummy variable, cryptarithm, binary operation, natural number, universal product code, numeric, independent variable, digit, ordinal number, unary operation, formal language, rational number, control character, logarithmic function, logic bomb, pulse modulation, encode, dyadic operation, transfinite number, long division, dependent variable, composite number, cipherer, tridactyl, short division, exponential function, fibonacci number, language system, periodic function, control key, arithmetic operation, cartesian product, algebraic number, binary code, genetic code, syllabogram, monte carlo method, numerical, hexadecimal, topological group, confix, octonary, joint probability, cipher, adactyly, integer, reverse polish notation, mathematical process, database management system, arithmetic progression, random variable, logic diagram, phonemic system, decimal system, decimal, computer architecture, homaloid, isohel, matrix operation, kyriological, identity element, syncategorematic, analog computer, inverse function, mathematical statement, scalar field, vector field, partial derivative, geometric series, harmonic analysis, common multiple, subroutine, superposition principle, series circuit, decode, categorematic, syntonize, binomial theorem, alphanumeric, equimultiple, variable star, isogram, computer language, exponential equation, tax bracket, pseudovector, cyclotomy, nomial, heteromerous, arabic numeral, bar line, phonotypy, mollifier,

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