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cryptarithm Definition

an arithmetic problem in which letters have been substituted for numbers and which is solved by finding all possible pairings of digits with letters that produce a numerically correct answer

Words Related to cryptarithm!

arithmetic, transfinite number, natural number, rational number, alphabet, significant digit, algebraic number, latin square, arithmetic operation, fibonacci number, ordinal number, mathematical statement, arabic numeral, tridactyl, abecedarius, word square, magic square, decimal, letter case, formal language, multiplication, arithmetic progression, math, logarithmic function, decimal fraction, metagraphy, transcendental number, minus sign, syllabogram, phonotypy, algebraize, short division, diophantine equation, vector algebra, acalculia, irrational number, alphabetism, integer, matrix operation, syllabism, vulgar fraction, decimal system, verbarium, numeral, exponential equation, roman numeral, mathematical process, letterless, alphabetarian, projective geometry, binomial theorem, multiplication table, literation, matrix algebra, logogriph, rhopalic, geometric series, reverse polish notation, algebraic, long division, geometral, exponential function, tetradactyl, logic gate, aphthong, binary operation, proper fraction, unary operation, perfect number, subtraction, affine geometry, nomial, mathematics, isogram, gray code, composite number, infinitesimal calculus, pluriliteral, independent variable, kyriological, bar line, decimal place, agrammatist, antigram, cardinal number, common fraction, simple fraction, multiplicative inverse, acrologic, pentadactyl, biliteral, division sign, block letter, duoliteral, graphemics, acrophony, calligram, square matrix, sphenography, radix point,

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