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extroversive Definition

directed outward; marked by interest in others or concerned with external reality
Synonyms: extraversive,

Words Related to extroversive!

extraversive, extravert, extraverted, extravertive, extrovert, extroverted, extrovertish, extrovertive, outgoing, introversive, gestalt psychology, physiological psychology, abient, experimental psychology, cerebrotonic, psychological, dissocial, psych up, play therapy, interpersonal, dianoialogy, cognitive, behavioral, acathexis, abnormal psychology, clinical psychology, academic department, field of study, transpersonal, behavioural, major depressive episode, psychic communication, child psychology, islamic law, hexicology, cultural anthropology, natural philosophy, affective, social, sociable, psychological state, aretaics, cognitive science, social scientist, psychological feature, token economy, social anthropologist, iatromathematical, behaviouristic, communicative, carnalize, cerebricity, cognitive process, libidinal energy, nongregarious, subsocial, nonverbal communication, behaviorist, insociable, anthropobiology, dianoetic, emotional, inaffable, social anthropology, encephalology, ethologic, intellected, doctor of philosophy, scientific discipline, scientific theory, right brain, environmental science, semantic role, information theory, introspectionist, psychodynamic, social relation, jungian, gregarious, ungregarious, neurotic, narcissistic, schneiderian, master of science, library science, social psychology, hylic, professional relation, empathic, wave theory, physiologize, psychic, basic cognitive process, pedophobia, sophophobia, bachelor of science, nonverbal, comtian, psychoanalytic, eudaemonic,

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