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abient Definition

characterized by avoidance or withdrawal
Antonyms: adient,

Words Related to abient!

psychological state, extroversive, defense mechanism, cognitive process, pedophobia, introversive, cognitive state, behavioral, token economy, mental state, psychological, basic cognitive process, philemaphobia, neurad, second childhood, aeroneurosis, evitation, stimulism, physiological psychology, cognitive, health problem, acathexis, sophophobia, disordination, psychological feature, gestalt psychology, encounter group, skinner box, avoidant, phagophobia, clinical depression, major depressive episode, cognitive factor, behavioural, iatrophobia, abnormal psychology, ablutophobia, agliophobia, aretaics, academic department, potamophobia, munchausenism, negative stimulus, atychiphobia, emotional state, conversion disorder, anal stage, physiologize, irrational motive, heteropathy, dianoialogy, move back, military science, agonistical, somatopsychic, come between, psych up, simple phobia, clinical psychology, temporary state, euphobia, phallic stage, preoccupate, bring around, mental block, play therapy, industrial disease, abnormal condition, verbal noun, thalassophobia, age of reason, distressedness, pantaphobia, leave office, primal therapy, brunonian, rejectment, kenophobia, behaviouristic, mental, give over, chicken out, social activity, anxietude, recidivous, depatriate, monodynamism, acturience, ideophobia, discussive, social control, refractory period, bladder disorder, bandwagon effect, experimental psychology, problem child, intersocial, keep apart, earnful, dianoetic,

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