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epileptoid Definition

exhibiting symptoms resembling those of epilepsy

Words Related to epileptoid!

epileptogenous, cortical epilepsy, epileptic, epileptic seizure, nervous disorder, conversion disorder, pleurothotonus, petit mal, bladder disorder, genetic disorder, sleepy sickness, williams syndrome, neurological, autosomal dominant disease, nympholeptic, antiepileptic, glandular disease, cerebral palsy, brain fever, sick person, tetralogy of fallot, fetal alcohol syndrome, bipolar disorder, abnormal condition, assident, antiparalytic, neurological disease, clinical depression, entastic, cerebropathy, stimulism, disordination, gulf war syndrome, juvenile diabetes, distemperate, reseizure, grand mal, retrograde amnesia, anxiety disorder, pyramidal tract, verbigerate, muscular dystrophy, peripheral nervous system, deuteropathy, mental disorder, dissociative disorder, convulsionist, kawasaki disease, preataxic, tabes dorsalis, degenerative disorder, sleep apnea, toxemia of pregnancy, speech disorder, coeliac disease, cephalalgic, schneiderian, antinephritic, sympathetic nervous system, zoopsia, pseudaesthesia, irritable bowel syndrome, abrachia, postictal, abirritation, otopathy, bloodstroke, scotodinia, entasia, ictal, anticonvulsant, clonic, idiopathic, psychological state, attention deficit disorder, visual hallucination, bipolar, irregulate, motor nerve, toxic shock syndrome, moon blindness, erotopathy, polychromia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia, senile dementia, depressive disorder, anterograde amnesia, marburg disease, thymoleptic, refractory period, neuropathic, affective disorder, antasthmatic, word salad, delirifacient, second childhood, paroxysmal, twilight sleep, industrial disease,

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