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epileptogenous Definition

Producing epilepsy or epileptoid convulsions; applied to areas of the body or of the nervous system where stimulation produces convulsions

Words Related to epileptogenous!

epileptoid, cortical epilepsy, pleurothotonus, epileptic, epileptic seizure, nervous disorder, conversion disorder, sleepy sickness, neurological, petit mal, peripheral nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, bladder disorder, stimulism, entastic, pyramidal tract, convulsionist, motor nerve, williams syndrome, brain fever, nervimotion, antiparalytic, bloodstroke, autosomal dominant disease, deuteropathy, cerebropathy, refractory period, tabes dorsalis, glandular disease, entasia, nervous tissue, neurological disease, abirritation, protopathic, nympholeptic, disordination, aesthesodic, genetic disorder, oculomotor nerve, neuroid, clonic, cerebral palsy, psychological state, abnormal condition, autonomic ganglion, assident, preataxic, erotopathy, cerebripetal, twilight sleep, tetralogy of fallot, accessory nerve, antiepileptic, reflex arc, reseizure, sick person, postictal, clinical depression, neurotrophy, abirritative, epencephalic, obdormition, distemperate, myotic, sensory, fetal alcohol syndrome, delirifacient, zoopsia, anxiety disorder, milk fever, graphospasm, grand mal, kawasaki disease, neural structure, cephalalgic, scotodinia, kinesodic, tetanomotor, abrachia, ctenocyst, gulf war syndrome, nervous system, cyanopathy, muscular dystrophy, cerebral, sensorineural, retrograde amnesia, speech disorder, glossopharyngeal nerve, juvenile diabetes, abirritate, brain wave, degenerative disorder, exodic, tremorous, mogigraphia, pseudaesthesia, somnipathy, neuromuscular, cardiac muscle,

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