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computer graphics Definition

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Words Related to computer graphics!

visual communication, desktop publishing, animation, fluid mechanics, cognitive science, nuclear magnetic resonance, numerical analysis, image compression, graphic arts, stereoscopic, animator, functional magnetic resonance imaging, audio recording, plasma physics, comparative psychology, computer programming, sound recording, chemical engineering, occupational psychology, spheric, printmaking, graphics, augi, visual perception, stereographic, graphic artist, machine translation, set decoration, flexography, cavia, applied mathematics, information retrieval, parts catalog, hydraulic engineering, photography, third dimension, behavioural science, photomicrography, freeze frame, laika, composite material, astronomie, photogrammetry, visual arts, colorimetry, postproduction, clinical psychology, stereoscopy, emic, localisation, interdisciplinary, polytechnical, bioastronautics, visualiser, literary criticism, visualisation, petroleum geology, printing ink, shooting gallery, moving picture, physical chemistry, physical geography, symbolics, retoucher, colorists, organic chemistry, lens implant, nuclear physics, biophysics, otorhinolaryngology, lenticular, lateral thinking, spoken language, hypermedia, architectural engineering, cleo, physical medicine, barbizon school, language teaching, hupo, aaea, pleiad, adient, darkroom, filmstrip, pictura, typographer, computer science, clinical neurology, kenzo tange, storyboard, robotics, raisa, comprint, cognitive psychology, lithography, interactive multimedia, ignis, abes, vest pocket,

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