balm of gilead
noun phrase(balm of Gil-e-ad)
an agency that soothes, relieves, or heals
balm of gilead
noun phrase(balm of Gil-e-ad)
a small evergreen African and Asian tree (Commiphora opobalsamum synonym C. meccanensis of the family Burseraceae) with aromatic leaves; also : a fragrant oleoresin from this tree
balm of gilead
noun phrase(balm of Gil-e-ad)
any of several poplars having resinous buds: such as
balm of gilead
noun(balm of Gil-e-ad)
a North American poplar (Populus balsamifera) that is often cultivated as a shade tree and has buds thickly coated with an aromatic resin —called also balm of Gilead, tacamahac