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audie murphy Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for audie murphy, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

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Words Related to audie murphy!

braxton bragg, westerns, davy crockett, betty grable, william wyler, chester nimitz, gregory peck, errol flynn, sam peckinpah, jimmy cagney, belleau wood, doughboys, douglas macarthur, full metal jacket, h. norman schwarzkopf, admiral nimitz, sergeants major, alec guinness, shootist, ulysses s. grant, clark gable, pancho villa, vimy, escadrille, ava gardner, jesse owens, confederate soldier, battlefield, frank capra, mule skinner, dogface, emiliano zapata, unheroic, eleanor roosevelt, drill instructor, robert mitchum, annie oakley, douglas fairbanks, casimir pulaski, dwight eisenhower, dwight d. eisenhower, valorous, ernest borgnine, wwi, james cagney, edmund kean, clara barton, wwii, eddie rickenbacker, al jolson, draft dodger, jimmy doolittle, erich maria remarque, marlene dietrich, cavalryman, henry fonda, olivia de havilland, stanley kubrick, harry truman, lyndon baines johnson, sad sack, fred zinnemann, green beret, ernst lubitsch, jean harlow, artilleryman, thompson submachine gun, hermann goring, sir alec guinness, burt lancaster, remagen, ring lardner, oak leaf cluster, franklin delano roosevelt, heroes, reenactor, solider, tank destroyer, heroism, gloria swanson, mack sennett, pfcs, croix de guerre, joan crawford, bela lugosi, sidney poitier, robert benchley, distinguished flying cross, veterans, military policeman, bronze star medal, signal corps, ernesto guevara, akira kurosawa, maurice chevalier, horatio alger, lackland, ulysses grant, chancellorsville, jarheads,

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