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united states department of defense Definition

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Words Related to united states department of defense!

pentagon, dia, nro, darpa, defense intelligence agency, national reconnaissance office, dod, marshal, state, commerce, ins, doc, drms, secret, marshalling, marshals, reserve, paymaster-general, lend-lease, dos, fisc, foreign intelligence surveillance court, commerce department, department of commerce, department of veterans affairs, dox, dpc, foc, immigration and naturalization service, purveyor, subsistence department, ahpcrc, secret service, doj, darrow, doe, dot, labor, justice, nrl, dol, energy, exec, education, hhs, hud, interior, usda, white house, ministry, naval, clerk, clerking, attorney general, bureau, navy department, proctor, war department, insanity, afrl, air force research laboratory, clarence darrow, clarence seward darrow, naval research laboratory, bureau of the census, census bureau, coast and geodetic survey, department of commerce and labor, department of energy, department of labor, department of the federal government, department of transportation, dots, doy, dpt, energy department, executive department, federal department, federal office, foreign service, labor department, postmaster-general, transportation, department of education, department of health and human services, department of justice, department of the interior, doi, education department, health and human services, housing and urban development, interior department, justice department, technology administration, transfer, attorney general of the united states, cenomanian, john wanamaker, milreis, tangelo,

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