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temporary worker Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for temporary worker, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

We also suggest you look up temporary worker on Google. They are helpful at finding info on most things.

Words Related to temporary worker!

temp, guest worker, skilled worker, day laborer, unemployment benefit, paternity leave, regularisation, tax avoidance, deficit spending, paid vacation, guestworker, divvy up, liberalise, eten, nauru, criminalise, deceptive advertising, matching funds, wage hike, propping up, decisive action, shoring up, gag rule, abortion pill, harmonise, flat tax, sexual discrimination, fare increase, cost overrun, sounding board, industrial espionage, eritrea, drinking age, tax policy, authorise, reverse discrimination, conscience clause, dirty trick, smarten up, earned income, spy satellite, raw data, contingency fee, hunger striker, negative feedback, confirmation hearing, totalization, sensitivity training, trade union, stock buyback, identity verification, parking meter, insanity plea, fiscal responsibility, quick fix, revitalise, regulatory requirements, alcohol addiction, screen test, booster shot, legalisation, goofing off, bus fare, solar cooker, catastrophic illness, credibility gap, plea bargaining, dan quayle, farm bill, demobilisation, work stoppage, gun control, american samoa, fiscal policy, rape conviction, artificial skin, unemployment compensation, european union, fictional character, cluster bomb, wasting disease, suspended sentence, social services, estate tax, protest march, snuff out, political prisoner, speeding ticket, taper off, proxy fight, reform bill, solomon islands, speak out, foreign investment, withholding tax, red onion, school system, rationalise, tip sheet, soliman,

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