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syllogistically Definition

a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and a minor premise and a conclusion (as in "every virtue is laudable; kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is laudable")
a subtle, specious, or crafty argument
deductive reasoning

Words Related to syllogistically!

major premise, minor premise, epichirema, symbolic logic, petitio principii, mathematical logic, propositional logic, formal logic, concludency, hypobole, modal logic, consectary, logical relation, logical system, petitionarily, predicate calculus, deducement, socratically, propositional calculus, deontic logic, epiplexis, overlogical, elenchize, desitive, hysteron proteron, porime, misconclusion, nomology, argumentize, anacoluthia, verbal noun, argumentable, ontological argument, derivement, scientific method, enantiosis, logical argument, mispersuasion, anacoenosis, ipsedixitism, present participle, figure of speech, homoioptoton, rhetorical device, argutation, alethiology, apodictically, logical fallacy, ipse dixit, existential quantifier, formal language, acatalepsy, main clause, inclusive or, euhemerize, ex hypothesi, modal auxiliary, explain away, moral principle, universal quantifier, good sense, trigonometrically, redargue, character witness, direct object, mental object, stoichiology, logically, thesicle, malebranchism, agonistical, independent clause, misinfer, accusative case, dative case, anapodeictic, indicative mood, logic gate, reflexive verb, acataleptic, avizandum, reasonist, grammatical relation, placitory, genitive case, philosophical doctrine, morology, inconcluding, judicial review, burden of proof, similiter, elocute, universe of discourse, dispositively, age of reason, subjectist, empirical research, demonstrative pronoun, dissentaneous, morganatically,

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