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saint john Definition

saint john
geographical name(Saint John)
river 418 miles (673 kilometers) long in the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada flowing from northern Maine into the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick
saint john
geographical name(Saint John)
city and port at the mouth of the Saint John River in southern New Brunwwick, Canada population 70,063
saint john
noun(Saint John)
any of a large genus (Hypericum of the family Guttiferae, the Saint-John's-wort family) of cosmopolitan herbs and shrubs with showy pentamerous yellow flowers
saint john
noun(Saint John)
the dried aerial parts of a Saint-John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum) that are held to relieve depression and are used in herbal remedies and dietary supplements
saint john
noun(Saint John)
saint john
geographical name(Saint John)
island in the West Indies that is one of the Virgin Islands of the U.S. area 20 square miles (52 square kilometers), population 4170
saint john
geographical name(Saint John)
city and capital of Antigua and Barbuda on Antigua Island in the British West Indies population 23,000
saint john
geographical name(Saint John)
city and port on the Atlantic in Canada; capital of Newfoundland and Labrador population 106,172

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