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psychonomics Definition

The branch of psychology that aims to discover strict laws that govern the working of the mind, especially by means of experiment

Words Related to psychonomics!

experimental psychology, phrenics, cognitive process, psychology, natural philosophy, eudaemonics, ergology, law of gravitation, stoichiology, dianoialogy, configurationism, aretaics, physicism, zoopsychology, identism, gestalt psychology, physiological psychology, basic cognitive process, atmology, islamic law, child psychology, field of study, encephalology, deontic logic, somatology, hypnology, abience, hypnopaedia, kinology, scientific method, sophophobia, pathognomy, iatromathematics, euhemerize, age of reason, monodynamism, scientific theory, comtism, ollamh, scientific knowledge, academic department, experimentarian, control group, malebranchism, modal logic, multanimous, inwit, noegenesis, anthroposcopy, mental state, tectology, wave theory, brown study, logical relation, law of nature, blue law, unempirically, physiologize, proception, information theory, cell theory, public law, mind, phrenomagnetism, ganzfeld, experientialism, psychography, experiment, psychological feature, trial by ordeal, empirical research, gravitational constant, superposition principle, public knowledge, propositional logic, metempirics, elucubrate, paramnesia, civilist, cognitive state, general knowledge, judicial review, anthropopathy, extrospection, preexistentism, cerebralism, environmental science, intuitionalism, zoism, significs, heterogenist, library science, thirst for knowledge, freedom of religion, military science, skinner box, general semantics, scientific discipline, logical argument, moral principle,

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