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prophylactically Definition

guarding from or preventing the spread or occurrence of disease or infection
tending to prevent or ward off : preventive

Words Related to prophylactically!

prophylactical, preventively, nalidixic acid, preemptively, booster dose, antibiotic drug, antianxiety agent, intravenously, retrovaccination, variolate, judiciously, cervical cap, vaccinist, drug cocktail, therapeutically, operate on, topically, contraceptive device, bring around, surgical contraception, surgically, anthrax vaccine, parenterally, protease inhibitor, birth control pill, vermicide, anacathartic, variolar, intramuscular injection, beta blocker, systemically, prudently, intrauterine device, group practice, local anaesthetic, alexiteric, asian influenza, symptomatically, adhibit, vaginally, oral herpes, dutch cap, intravenous anesthetic, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, potassium iodide, diuretic drug, calcium blocker, transdermal patch, behovely, hospital care, smallpox virus, granuloma inguinale, wisely, intravenous injection, dosology, trench fever, antisepticize, general anesthetic, histamine blocker, herpes simplex, antinephritic, antasthmatic, pneumotherapy, sulfa drug, adjunctively, iodotherapy, nitrogen mustard, genital herpes, sabin vaccine, concomitantly, penicillin v, collutory, appropriately, animal virus, mosquito net, herpes zoster, panpharmacon, christmas disease, respiratory syncytial virus, narcotic antagonist, mefenamic acid, protectingly, valproic acid, aborticide, effectuous, local anesthesia, major tranquilizer, slow virus, contagious disease, medical diagnosis, placebo effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitor, minor tranquilizer, electively, conservatively, opportunistically, communicable disease, hormone replacement therapy, virus infection, diagnostically,

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