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pronominally Definition

of, relating to, or constituting a pronoun
resembling a pronoun in identifying or specifying without describing

Words Related to pronominally!

reflexive verb, parelcon, function word, major form class, reciprocal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, noun phrase, content word, orthotone, relative pronoun, verbify, adnoun, direct object, nounize, indefinite pronoun, verb phrase, objective case, relative clause, word form, accusatively, common noun, nominative case, participially, genitive case, possessive case, phrasal verb, auxiliary verb, transitive verb, grammatical case, indirect object, verbal noun, anthimeria, concrete noun, accusative case, datively, count noun, prepositionally, present participle, prepositional phrase, intransitive verb, enclitically, modal auxiliary, subject case, independent clause, copulatively, mass noun, past participle, main clause, split infinitive, aptote, proper noun, free morpheme, appellatively, dative case, active voice, feminine rhyme, exclamatorily, complex sentence, monopersonal, homonymously, personal pronoun, perfective aspect, optatively, alpha privative, reflexive pronoun, dependent clause, language unit, ecthlipsis, expletively, postpositionally, indicative mood, imperfective aspect, compound sentence, grammatical relation, interjectionally, neologically, figure of speech, transitivize, latinly, indirect speech, brachyology, monosyllabically, oblique case, set phrase, vowelize, dietetically, future perfect, biverbal, syllabize, linguistic relation, privatively, circumposition, second person, dorism, grammatical category, consubstantially, past perfect, simple sentence, direct speech, rhetorical device,

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