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polycystic Definition

having or involving more than one cyst
either of two hereditary diseases characterized by gradually enlarging bilateral cysts of the kidney which lead to reduced renal functioning or renal failure
a variable disease that is marked by amenorrhea, hirsutism, obesity, infertility, and ovarian enlargement and is usually initiated by an elevated level of luteinizing hormone, androgen, or estrogen which results in an abnormal cycle of gonadotropin release by the pituitary gland —called also polycystic ovarian syndrome

Words Related to polycystic!

cystose, ovarian, cystic, glandular disease, dermoid cyst, ovarian cyst, vesicouterine, vesicoprostatic, nephric, hepatocystic, graafian follicle, diabetes insipidus, reproductive system, antinephritic, fibroid, autosomal dominant disease, genetic disorder, endocrine system, renal cortex, bladdery, female reproductive system, endocrine gland, thyroid, urogenital system, tetralogy of fallot, ectopic, ectopic pregnancy, renal, menorrhoea, suprarenal gland, urocyst, undescended testis, hypnocyst, nephrolith, uterine cervix, premenstrual syndrome, male reproductive system, thyroid gland, ductless gland, anovulatory, necrobiosis lipoidica, xeroderma pigmentosum, rete testis, pituitary body, kidney disease, renal vein, islet of langerhans, renal corpuscle, congenital, endometrial, uterine, osteogenesis imperfecta, dermoid, hypothyroid, benign tumor, endocrine, bleareye, premenstrual, urinary, rrhea, parathyroid, hepatic duct, chyloderma, fatty liver, assident, prostate gland, parathyroid gland, hydatid, coeliac disease, ductus arteriosus, pituitary gland, birth defect, adrenal, pituitary, pathologic process, testicular, corpus luteum, toxemia of pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis, autosomal, nephrotic syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, pancreatic juice, cystic fibrosis, interrenal, teratoid, nephrolithic, adenomegaly, malignant tumor, varicose vein, juvenile diabetes, spontaneous abortion, coronary occlusion, cyanopathy, splenization, common bile duct, anuresis, williams syndrome, pancreatic, pernicious anemia,

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