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paraplegia Definition

partial or complete paralysis of the lower half of the body with involvement of both legs that is usually due to injury or disease of the spinal cord in the thoracic or lumbar region

Words Related to paraplegia!

flexion, quadriplegia, tetraplegia, hemiplegia, paralysis, paresis, syringomyelia, degenerative disorder, myelopathy, cerebral palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, deformity, dystrophy, amputation, visual impairment, spasticity, myelomeningocele, scoliosis, ataxia, disability, muscular dystrophy, leukodystrophy, osteogenesis imperfecta, claudication, anterograde amnesia, epilepsy, blindness, spondylitis, dysphasia, myoclonus, spinal curvature, neurofibromatosis, retrograde amnesia, spondylolisthesis, deafness, aphasia, arthritis, retinitis, ptosis, contracture, intermittent claudication, congenital disorder, cardiac tamponade, congenital abnormality, neurological disorder, neurogenic bladder, kyphosis, phantom limb pain, retinal detachment, thyroiditis, arthropathy, nerve entrapment, retinitis pigmentosa, hypopituitarism, pyelonephritis, neuropathies, bulbar, clubfoot, essential tremor, aplastic anaemia, congenital anomaly, arthrosis, atresia, adrenalectomy, myotonic dystrophy, agenesis, nephritis, mitral stenosis, achondroplasia, pancreatectomy, hematomas, hiatus hernia, hypoplasia, neuromotor, hallux valgus, priapism, torticollis, debilitation, debility, ambulation, demyelination, fibroma, chronic renal failure, sensorineural hearing loss, syncope, birth defect, myotonic muscular dystrophy, phantom limb syndrome, cerebrovascular accident, ulcerations, lupus erythematosus, fat embolism, valvular, aortic stenosis, anosognosia, transection, spastic paralysis, valvular heart disease, laryngospasm, intracerebral,

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