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negoce Definition

business; occupation

Words Related to negoce!

commercial enterprise, negotiant, business, business activity, commercial activity, employment contract, company store, private enterprise, employment agency, business firm, chevisance, tractator, de facto corporation, business deal, business lunch, joint stock company, interdeal, merchantry, tradeful, travel agency, travel expense, bargainor, negotiation, investment trust, financial obligation, countinghouse, blue sky law, chievance, proxenet, bureau de change, mercature, panurgy, higgler, tradesfolk, cameralistics, walk of life, bargainee, company man, factor of production, adlegation, place of business, key money, demarketing, restraint of trade, personnel department, arendator, assientist, colaborer, front money, professional organization, proxenetism, slave traffic, journeywork, business relation, bucket shop, public law, stock certificate, stock company, talk shop, comparable worth, line function, surseance, employment, occupation, cambist, group action, trade, social control, preengagement, harley street, combat pay, coemption, company union, health care provider, mercantile establishment, reception desk, contractedness, life estate, command performance, manual labour, chattel paper, oligopsony, market order, coagent, restrictive practice, bill of exchange, valuable consideration, contract, life tenant, social event, seed money, job action, administrative unit, credit side, make peace, economic rent, accountantship, line manager, businessmen, discretionary fiscal policy,

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