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nb Definition

a Latin phrase (or its abbreviation) used to indicate that special attention should be paid to something
Synonyms: n.b., nota bene,
a soft grey ductile metallic element used in alloys; occurs in niobite; formerly called columbium
Synonyms: atomic number 41, niobium,

Words Related to nb!

niobium, atomic number 41, sn, zr, cant, ta, ti, lrr, uvb, pride, note, columbium, bene, columbite, new, nota, omaha, pneumoconiosis, saint, symbol, tantalite, ag, a, al, bi, co, cr, cu, fe, ge, h, hf, hg, mn, mo, n2, ni, pd, pt, ru, sb, sc, si, sm, tl, w, zn,

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