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mutualize Definition

to make mutual

Words Related to mutualize!

joint stock company, company store, company man, business activity, employment agency, private enterprise, line function, line manager, quality circle, business firm, commercial enterprise, travel expense, business relation, stock company, spendthrift trust, line management, travel agency, constructive trust, professional organization, social unit, commercial activity, key money, stock certificate, front money, intercommune, discommunity, margin call, main office, demarketing, zero coupon bond, comparable worth, factor of production, credit side, health care provider, financial obligation, blue sky law, service of process, investment trust, de facto corporation, pay cash, charter member, reception desk, personnel department, valuable consideration, total quality management, chattel paper, mass medium, hot money, spoilsmonger, divine service, bureau de change, compound interest, coadjuting, employment contract, economic rent, act upon, seed money, body of work, place of business, social event, assientist, public law, bank statement, bearer bond, social group, petty cash, sick pay, functionate, telephone operator, bucket shop, premium bond, union representative, cost benefit analysis, coadventure, answer for, good condition, command performance, coestablishment, general ledger, build upon, market order, administrative unit, old age pension, del credere, coportion, job action, totten trust, cosentient, gossiprede, mispay, talk shop, questman, look out over, business lunch, in agreement, superinstitution, security interest, original cost, give notice, general semantics,

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