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malapportioned Definition

characterized by an inequitable or unsuitable apportioning of representatives to a legislative body

Words Related to malapportioned!

member of parliament, legislative, representative, pylagore, trust territory, administerial, cumulative vote, public law, conciliary, vote of confidence, free vote, political machine, judicial review, administrative district, administrative unit, party whip, vote down, representationary, legislatorship, pedarian, discretionary fiscal policy, congressional, political unit, eunomy, senior status, unmagistrate, legific, adlegation, swing voter, mete out, social control, organic law, union representative, officialty, company store, electoral, deal out, presidial, city father, bill of attainder, governmental, joint stock company, proportional representation, intercitizenship, poisson distribution, minister of state, factor of production, injudicial, deforcement, portion out, administrative, tyburn ticket, discommission, blue sky law, septemvirate, line of succession, rogue state, in personam, qualificator, questman, parliamentary, cameralistic, federal district, act upon, group action, power of appointment, employment agency, transfer payment, oyer and terminer, lateran council, de facto corporation, government department, referendary, financial obligation, parcel out, legislative act, charter member, judgment in personam, statute law, social group, abjudge, absolute majority, circuit rider, police power, donkey vote, burghmaster, mass medium, mathematical operation, statutable, cause of action, sample distribution, service of process, si quis, inferior court, overruler, eschevin, landreeve, seignioralty, travel expense, portionist,

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