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inert gas Definition

inert gas
noun(inert gas)
noble gas
inert gas
noun(inert gas)
any of a group of rare gases that include helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and usually radon and that exhibit great stability and extremely low reaction rates —called also inert gas

Words Related to inert gas!

argonon, noble gas, artificial skin, atmospheric pressure, acoustic wave, propulsion system, nerve agent, cardiac output, permanent magnet, reciprocating saw, low temperature, ventilation system, resorcinol, infrared therapy, space heater, strain gauge, audio amplifier, cold cathode, exhaust system, activated carbon, mercaptans, induction heating, bipropellant, surface ship, molecular weight, input device, field emission, composite material, air cushion, static electricity, photomultipliers, knee brace, peening, methanation, surgical instrument, frequency response, sulphur dioxide, fast reactor, butterfly valve, calorimetry, solar array, aluminosilicate, low density, portal hypertension, eductor, thermal barrier, oxidizers, vacuum pump, pipe fitting, object recognition, highly sensitive, plumbing fixture, carbon fibre, cold sore, guided missile, magnetic tape, pet scanner, corona discharge, monopropellant, electrokinetic, nerve cell, steam pipe, hydrides, assumed name, blood vessel, dehydrogenation, electrothermal, tetrachloroethylene, magnesium hydroxide, adsorbent, colour filter, sensitizer, ferrites, disc brake, zinc chloride, wind generator, artificial kidney, hydrogen chloride, smooth muscle, nonconductive, revolutionise, carburizing, roller bearing, barium sulfate, ablator, motor oil, magellan, binary compound, nitrogen tetroxide, unvented, fuel injection system, carbonyls, octyl, pyrolytic, carboxymethylcellulose, lehr, ethene, t lymphocyte, dinitrogen tetroxide, glove box,

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