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hypoventilation Definition

deficient ventilation of the lungs that results in reduction in the oxygen content or increase in the carbon dioxide content of the blood or both

Words Related to hypoventilation!

obesity, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, hypopnea, hyperpyrexia, hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, laryngospasm, atelectasis, cyanosis, dyspnoea, expiratory, enuresis, hypotonia, stridor, myoclonus, status epilepticus, decompensation, lichen planus, suppurative, cardiac tamponade, adrenal insufficiency, thoracentesis, metabolic acidosis, esophageal reflux, bacteriuria, rhinorrhea, valvular heart disease, intracerebral, primidone, hemoptysis, thyrotoxicosis, hyperalgesia, thrombophlebitis, postural hypotension, cytopenia, papilledema, fecal impaction, vasodilatation, metabolic alkalosis, uremia, cardiomegaly, flecainide, pyelonephritis, tachypnea, haemolysis, tamponade, cardiac insufficiency, thrombi, erythema nodosum, coronary occlusion, ileus, hypocalcaemia, hypovolemic shock, leucopenia, lyme arthritis, vasoconstrictor, thrombocytosis, polyuria, methemoglobinemia, patent ductus arteriosus, basilar artery, adrenocorticotropic hormone, epiglottitis, hypersensitivity reaction, meningeal, intraventricular, atrioventricular block, coronary insufficiency, epistaxis, hyperacidity, natriuresis, hypocalcemia, vasovagal, diaper dermatitis, malignant neoplasm, vasomotor, intermittent claudication, hypercalcaemia, tachyarrhythmia, gastroesophageal reflux, pancytopenia, hyperparathyroidism, vasoconstriction, cholestasis, anticoagulant medication, hiatus hernia, haematuria, repolarization, paraesthesia, hepatocellular, allergic eczema, cholecystitis, oesophagitis, empyema, generalized epilepsy, akinesia, superior mesenteric artery, labetalol, bulbar,

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