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hydrocephalus Definition

an abnormal increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial cavity (as from obstructed flow, excess production, or defective absorption) that is accompanied by expansion of the cerebral ventricles and often increased intracranial pressure, skull enlargement, and cognitive decline

Words Related to hydrocephalus!

hydrocephaly, internus, otitic, posthemorrhagic, spina bifida, malformation, cerebral palsy, genetic disorder, myelomeningocele, anencephaly, diabetes insipidus, osteogenesis imperfecta, atresia, syringomyelia, birth defect, epilepsy, leukodystrophy, neurofibromatosis, hydrops, plagiocephaly, pyloric stenosis, cardiomyopathy, hemangioma, kidney disease, scoliosis, encephalocele, microtia, cardiac tamponade, diaphragmatic hernia, congenital disorder, pulmonary stenosis, eclampsia, ventricular septal defect, aplastic anemia, toxemia, patent ductus arteriosus, renal failure, kidney failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic renal failure, degenerative disorder, histiocytosis, empyema, imperforate anus, cystic fibrosis, metabolic disorder, neurogenic bladder, atrial septal defect, juvenile diabetes, lymphoblastic leukemia, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, wilms tumour, lumbar puncture, nephrotic syndrome, uremia, pyelonephritis, blastoma, cleft palate, coarctation, pulmonary valve, hypovolemic shock, torticollis, adrenal insufficiency, hyperemesis, congenital anomaly, parathyroid, sickle cell anemia, clubfeet, congenital abnormality, cerebrospinal fluid, kidneys, dysphagia, malabsorption, jaundice, hyperhidrosis, choriocarcinoma, fistula, ascites, hyponatremia, dysphasia, respiratory distress syndrome, cardiac insufficiency, aortic stenosis, spastic paralysis, neuroblastoma, sepsis, omphalocele, pulmonary artery, liver disease, severe combined immunodeficiency, incompetent cervix, hemochromatosis, teratoma, rheumatic fever, kernicterus, hemolytic anemia, optic nerve, metabolic acidosis, necrotizing enterocolitis, spinal fluid,

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