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hong kong Definition

hong kong
geographical name(Hong Kong)
special administrative region of China on the southeast coast east of the mouth of the Zhu River where it empties into the South China Sea; includes Hong Kong Island (area 29 square miles, or 75 square kilometers), Jiulong Peninsula, the New Territories, and nearby islands; formerly a British crown colony with Victoria as its capital area 424 square miles (1098 square kilometers), population 7,071,576
hong kong
geographical name(Hong Kong)
city on the Guadalupe River in southeastern Texas population 62,592
hong kong
geographical name(Hong Kong)
city in southern British Columbia, Canada, on southeastern Vancouver Island population 80,017
hong kong
geographical name(Hong Kong)
river 350 miles (563 kilometers) long in the northwestern part of the Northern Territory, Australia, flowing north and northwest to the Timor Sea

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