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give up Definition

give up
verb(give up)
to yield control or possession of : surrender
give up
verb(give up)
to desist from : abandon
give up
verb(give up)
to declare incurable or insoluble
give up
idiom(give up)
to allow (oneself) to be fully affected by, controlled by, or involved in (something)
give up
idiom(give up)
to hold one's hands together so that someone can step into them while climbing up onto something
give up
idiom(give up)
to give someone an advantage over others
give up
idiom(give up)
to decide that someone cannot be helped or saved
give up
idiom(give up)
to stop trying to do something because it cannot be done
give up
idiom(give up)
to stop trying to improve the condition of (someone)
give up
idiom(give up)
to stop having hope of seeing (someone)
give up
idiom(give up)
to stop trying to do or achieve (something)
give up
idiom(give up)
to make it possible for other people to adopt one's baby

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