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empiristic Definition

Relating to, or resulting from, experience or experiment; following from empirical methods or data

Words Related to empiristic!

unempirically, experimentarian, scientific method, empirical, empirical research, monte carlo method, historical method, control group, scientific knowledge, docimastic, metempirics, theoretical, experimental, natural philosophy, heterogenist, periclitation, docimology, cost benefit analysis, research worker, general semantics, cognitive process, gravitational constant, stoichiology, basic cognitive process, gravimetric analysis, skinner box, experiential, volumetric analysis, trial balloon, thalassography, qualitative, superposition principle, primary research, typhlology, propositional logic, monodynamism, hygrostatics, ontological argument, flame test, cosmothetic, modal logic, integral calculus, scientific theory, logical relation, secondary research, logical system, deontic logic, field trial, chemical analysis, dianoialogy, propositional calculus, scientific, defense mechanism, porime, atechnic, environmental science, cell theory, logical argument, mathematical logic, trial by ordeal, observational, atmology, ideogeny, control condition, analytic philosophy, psilosopher, analytical, euhemerize, iatromathematical, methodological, ultracrepidarianism, dianoetic, encounter group, ex hypothesi, psychological feature, pretentative, investigable, aretaics, presentive, steady state theory, absolute space, law of gravitation, harmonic analysis, physiologize, horologiography, quantitative, wave theory, subjectist, face validity, stimulism, common knowledge, researchful, joint probability, precognosce, chemical equation, elucubrate, thetical, trial and error, random variable, pantology,

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