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chromosomal anomaly Definition

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Words Related to chromosomal anomaly!

chromosomal aberration, autosomal recessive disease, monozygotic twin, hydrops, genetic abnormality, rh incompatibility, neurosensory, becker muscular dystrophy, nongenetic, proband, severe combined immunodeficiency, lichen planus, herpesviruses, abnormalities, monogenic, hyperinsulinism, autosomal dominant disorder, pancytopenia, galactosemia, mosaicism, dysgenesis, aplasia, choriocarcinoma, nonhereditary, malformations, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, lactase deficiency, roseola, cerebri, achromatopsia, syndromes, myelomeningocele, fibroma, osteopetrosis, monozygotic, klinefelter syndrome, hyperbilirubinemia, polydactylism, genetic defect, immunodeficiency, cholestasis, puerperal psychosis, erythema nodosum, generalized epilepsy, esophageal reflux, hamartoma, hyperplastic, neurofibromas, urethritis, neurogenic bladder, etiologic, aneuploidy, allergic eczema, molar pregnancy, blastoma, mucins, rh factor, syngeneic, hydrocephaly, chlamydia psittaci, orchitis, pyelonephritis, neuromotor, cryptogenic, genetic mutation, myotonic dystrophy, carcinoid, osteogenesis imperfecta, hyperemesis, immunopathology, pyloric stenosis, genetic disorder, monocytic, bacteraemia, hemolytic, anemias, herpes encephalitis, eosinophilic, pneumocystis, epiglottitis, pheochromocytoma, congenital abnormality, enteropathy, thyrotoxicosis, leiomyoma, leydig cell, neuropathies, hypoplasia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, erythematosus, adrenal cortex, presymptomatic, histiocytosis, lymphoblastic leukemia, lupus erythematosus, congenital anomaly, penetrance, heterotaxy, eoe, bullous,

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