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by pass Definition

by pass
a passage to one side; especially : a deflected route usually around a town
by pass
a channel carrying a fluid around a part and back to the main stream
by pass
by pass
to avoid by means of a bypass
by pass
to cause to follow a bypass
by pass
to neglect or ignore usually intentionally
by pass
a surgical procedure performed to shunt blood around a narrowing or blockage in the coronary artery of the heart that usually involves grafting one end of a segment of blood vessel (such as a vein of the leg) removed from another part of the body into the aorta and the other end of the segment into the coronary artery beyond the obstructed area to allow for increased blood flow —often followed by the word surgery or operation —abbreviation CABG
by pass
a surgical bypass operation that typically involves reducing the size of the stomach and reconnecting the smaller stomach to bypass the first portion of the small intestine so as to restrict food intake and reduce caloric absorption in cases of severe obesity

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