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antianginal Definition

used or tending to prevent or relieve angina pectoris

Words Related to antianginal!

antihypertensive, calcium blocker, antiarrhythmic, beta blocker, angina pectoris, alpha blocker, antidiabetic, diuretic drug, anticholinergic, ace inhibitor, thiazide, sympatholytic, anginal, anticonvulsant, diuretic, thrombolytic, thymoleptic, anxiolytic, minor tranquilizer, isosorbide, hypotensive, vasopressor, antianxiety agent, virility drug, monoamine oxidase inhibitor, major tranquilizer, antiemetic, quinidine, antipsychotic, nontricyclic, antiepileptic, adrenergic, antiadrenergic, antidepressant, anticholinesterase, pharmacologic, neuroleptic, tricyclic, inotropic, antiinflammatory, vasoconstrictive, nonsteroidal, hypertensive, immunosuppressant, corticosteroid, valproic acid, anticonvulsant drug, uricosuric, antiulcer, narcotic antagonist, angiotensin, histamine blocker, fibrate, antispasmodic, benzodiazepine, antiasthmatic, sympathomimetic, antineoplastic, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular, atrial fibrillation, nootropic, protease inhibitor, cardiotonic, antirheumatic, antidiarrheal, coronary, antihistaminic, myocardial, olanzapine, antimycotic, antimalarial, thrombotic, mefenamic acid, hemodynamic, chronotropic, antiprotozoal, neuroprotective, antiandrogen, antasthmatic, antifungal, vasoactive, anticancer, antipruritic, coronary artery disease, nicotinic acid, antipyretic, fertility drug, antibiotic drug, cyclosporine, oxytocic, antacid, coronary thrombosis, congestive heart failure, cardialgy, tardive dyskinesia, sympathetic nervous system, cardiac, drug cocktail, antiallergic,

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